Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Recording with document camera, formative assessment

Recording with your document camera

Recently the digital classroom teachers at Alkek met to share how they are flipping lessons and offering support to their students in Google Classroom. AES fourth grade teacher and curriculum lead, Lisa Gherman, created the video below to share instructions for using your document camera to record video. 

With flu season, track/golf/soccer/baseball/softball season, stock show season, and competition season keeping our students away from our physical classrooms, short recorded videos can help them stay connected and learning through our digital classrooms.

Interested in more helpful tips for your digital classroom? Join Lisa's Teaching with Tech Google Classroom (Code: kxblxig). This classroom can be considered a database of technology ideas to use in your classroom. This is a holding spot for all tech things Lisa finds that are cool and usable. Lisa also maintains the Blended Learning Leaders Google classroom (Code: k9uuvio). This classroom will help teach you how to use the tools and give you challenges to practice the tools before implementing them within your classroom. Sarah Verstuyft shares digital tools and challenges in the Teacher Learner Leaders classroom (Code: 4doi05b) and Cassie Simon maintains the BMS Curriculum and Digital Learning classroom (2gr9hv1). All are great places to experiment and learn new things.

Blended Learning Spotlight: Assessing for Learning

As we continue the conversation throughout the spring and next school year about personalizing learning to help each of our students progress, assessing for learning is going to be a key part of the conversation. Where is each student today? What does he/she need next?  Check out this two-minute video for some great tips for formative assessment.

Tools for Formative Assessment

With Spring just a couple of days away, you may be looking for a fresh way to assess your students' learning. Check out this list of seventy-five digital tools and apps that teachers are using for formative assessment. If you try one and love the way it engages your students and provides both you and your students information on their progress toward their learning goals, shoot me an email or use #iteachbluegrit on Twitter.
