Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Dollar Street, Quizizz, Technology Integration Matrix, Notetaking, Bitmoji stickers

A Dose of Inspiration 

#learningtogether #iteachbluegrit

STAAR/EOC/AP testing are just around the corner, the calendar is filling up with spring events, and sometimes we need a little something something to help us renew our energy. So here are some resources that our colleagues are using to inspire their students and to grow in their practice. I hope they energize you like they energized me. There is good stuff happening in BISD. You are making a difference!

■Making real-world connections: BMS social studies teacher Melinda Benedict shared Dollar Street, a resource she found through Matt Miller's blog, Ditch That Textbook. Dollar Street follows 264 families in 50 countries, allowing students to see how people live all over the world through 30,000 photos. This site could be a great resource for discussions about current events, economics, culture, and more.

■Making real-world connections in math: Sarah Person, HCE fourth grade teacher, used Quizizz with her students to calculate elapsed time related to boarding passes and flights. Quizizz might be just the ticket for making real-world connections in your classroom!

Creating Online Picture Books: AES curriculum lead and 4th grade teacher, Lisa Gherman, posted Richard Byrne's Free Technology for Teachers  blog highlighting five free tools for creating online picture books. Creating online books offers students wonderful opportunities to share authentic writing with a wider audience. (The 2019 Professional Development Catalog that was emailed last week was built using Book Creator.) 

Drawing to boost memory: BHS English department chair Stephanie Jones shared a post in the Twitterverse chock full of ideas for encouraging our students to draw to make connections for their learning.

■ Growing in our practice with technology integration: Heather Robinson at AES shared a resource she discovered through her coursework through UTeach Blended Learning Series. The Technology Integration Matrix from the University of South Florida offers a framework for "describing and targeting the use of technology to enhance learning." 

What's even more awesome is that the site provides lessons that can be sorted by subject and by grade level. If you need a new lens to view an old lesson, this site may provide some inspiration.


Bitmoji Stickers: sometimes it's all about the fun!

Thanks, Cassie Simon, for sharing Alice Keeler's blog that has directions for printing bitmoji stickers, etc. The possibilities are endless: 

  • Business cards for open house
  • Scratch offs for student rewards
  • QR codes for station rotations
Below are some scratch offs featuring a bitmoji that Morgan Groff had available at the High School 101 event at BHS last Thursday. Great marketing!