Tuesday, May 30, 2017

PK-12 Staff Development Day, TwitterChats, Educational Hashtags, Summer Learning

PK-12 Staff Development Day

Don't forget to select four sessions from the PK-12 Staff Development catalog. The link to the form is highlighted in yellow on page 2 of the catalog. Forms due 6/2/17.

Click HERE to access the catalog.

Educational Hashtag and Twitter Chat Database

Kasey Bell of ShakeUp Learning has put together a database of educational Twitter Chats and hashtags. If you're looking for a way to connect with other educators in your field as you refresh over the summer, Kasey's list is a great place to start. I followed the #FutureReady librarian Twitter Chat last week and got some great ideas to implement next fall. I like to use TweetDeck to follow Twitter Chats.

Click HERE to access the original post.

Summer Learning: Bulldog Mobile and More

If you teach PK-8 students or have PK-8 children, be sure to check out our Summer Learning page for information on the Bulldog Mobile, reading programs at the county libraries, and reading incentive programs from area book stores.
Click HERE to visit the Summer Learning page.