Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Blogger, Digital Learning, Edivate

Check out the new BISD Digital Learning website where you'll find tutorials for G-Suite applications, our BISD systems, and other digital tools. The video below takes you on a virtual tour. Spending a few minutes previewing the site now could save you lots of time in August.

Tuesday Tech Tips Moves from Tackk to Blogger

Tuesday Tech Tips is being migrated to Blogger, which will allow tips to be searched using the search bar on the upper right side of the screen. Past blog posts will be migrated over the summer. 

You can also access Tuesday Tech Tips through the Tuesday Tech Tips tab on the Digital Learning Website.

Register for 2017 Professional Development in Edivate

Log into Edivate and view the Summer 2017 Professional Development catalog through the My Catalog Units tab where you can register for CPI, CPR, GT, or the Compliance videos. If you need to cancel a registration, click on the title of the training for which you registered, and click on the red X to unenroll. Please confirm your registrations, as trainings were modified the week of May 6, 2017. 

The Compliance trainings will open June 5, 2017, and close on August 18, 2017. If you need help logging in, please contact your campus administrator.

Click HERE to access the Getting Started with Edivate tutorial.