Tuesday, October 15, 2019

October 15, 2019

ELAR Resources

If you teach K-8 ELAR, it's a big year with new TEKS and a new textbook. TEA has prepared a webpage to help ELAR teachers navigate the changes which includes documents that identify the standards that overlap 2009 & 2017 TEKS that will be tested in 2020 and 2021, vertical alignment documents, and side-by-side comparison documents. 

Math/Science Resources

One of the challenges of using technology in the math and science world is writing equations. EquatIO allows users "to create digital equations, formulas, geometric shapes, graphs and more directly on their computer or Chromebook." If you have used a trial version of this tool in the past, you may need to uninstall it before registering for the free-to-teachers version.

ESL Spotlight: ESL Certification

In BISD, students receive their ESL service through their ESL-certified ELAR teacher or have an additional class where they receive ELAR support from an ESL-certified teacher. If your campus principal has spoken to you about acquiring ESL certification, the information below about a new exam prep manual and a free online certification class will be helpful. 

The TEA English Learner Support Division released  a newly-developed TExES English as a Second Language (ESL) Supplemental #154 Certification Exam Preparation Manual as part of a Texas Education Agency (TEA) Title III-funded grant in partnership with Region 10 Education Service Center (ESC). This manual is located on the TEA Title III, Part A web page under TEA Supplemental Resources.

This free ESL certification preparation manual is intended to equip Texas educators who desire to increase capacity in their districts and to enhance their existing ESL programs beyond minimum state requirements. Additionally, a free online ESL certification preparation course is currently being developed, based on the content within the preparation manual. We look forward to announcing the online course release in the spring.

Blended Learning Spotlight

Screencastify is my go-to screen recording tool. The extension "lives" in my Chrome toolbar. I like that I don't need any special equipment. When I want to make a quick tutorial, I click the extension that lives in my Chrome toolbar, record my voice and screen, and the video saves to my Google Drive, where I can give it a public link to post on a website or where I can easily share it in my Google Classroom. 

If you are working with learning menus or station rotations, Screencastify is a great tool to allow you to provide support for students when they are working independently or with partners. Students can pause and replay as needed.

Screencastify also comes in handy when you have a substitute teacher. Prepare the recording beforehand and post the link in your Google Classroom or leave the link for the sub to play for your students. Need help? Shoot me an email.