Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Gradebook, GoogleSlides, MagneticPoetry

TxEIS Gradebook: Monitor Groups

Right before Thanksgiving, Pam Frierson sent instructions to BMS for setting up monitor groups in our TxEIS Gradebook. If you are mentoring a student or monitoring grades for a group of students who may not be in the same class, setting up a monitor group in Gradebook can be a timesaver. A visual summary of Pam's instructions are HERE.

Use Google Slides to Publish an 
Electronic Magazine

A couple of weeks ago I attended the TCEA Campus Technology Specialist Academy where I met tech specialists from Hudson ISD. Misty Mitchell shared how she is using Google Slides to publish an ezine with her middle school students. Wow! Who knew Google Slides could look so good? Check out the student publications HERE. If you need to make a class portfolio, compile student projects for a community showcase, or compile stories your students have written to share with parents, Google Slides may be the way to go. Just reformat the page size under File > Page Setup and when you're done creating, go to File > Publish to the web to get the link or embed code as well as other publication options.  

Winter Magnetic Poetry

Kasey Bell of Shake Up Learning is an amazing resource for all things Google. She is especially creative with integrating G-Suite tools into instruction. In the activity below, she provides a Google Slides template for your students to create refrigerator-magnet-style winter poetry. For full instructions, click HERE. Scroll about three quarters of the way down her blog post to access the link to get your free copy of her winter magnetic poetry template. If you are interested in upping your Google skills, Kasey's blog is definitely one to follow.