Tuesday, September 15, 2020


Classrooms Connect

As our digital age grows and our classrooms are now being connected outside of our school buildings, there are several platforms teachers can use to manage presentation of materials along with collection of assignments. Today's Tech blog will focus on Google Classroom in hopes to provide you with some tips, tricks, and insights that you may or may not be aware of.

Google Classroom Skills

Thanks to Kasey Bell and her expertise when it comes to Googleness! Here is an info graphic and link to some of her top recommended skills when it comes to implementing Google Classroom. Shake Up Learning

Did you know you can:

Kahoot and Google Classroom

Teachers who use Kahoot know that gamifying curriculum is a great way to keep students engaged and learning. Kahoot also allows remote students to interact with students in the classroom through challenges and games. Here is how to incorporate and assign a Kahoot in your Google Classroom from Matt Miller.

Applications that Integrate with Google Classroom 

Here is an extensive list of applications that integrate well with Google Classroom, making the boundaries of your curriculum and remote teaching seem endless! 

TCEA also has some amazing Google Classroom add-ons to make your productivity and student access easier! 

Google Classroom Clean up 

Every once in a while it is good practice to clean up your Google classrooms, especially at the end of the year. Here is how to do just that.

Email etiquette for students

As we begin our journey with communicating with our students through email and other written methods outside of our Zoom and Google Meets platforms, now might be a good time for a mini lesson for students on how to write an appropriate email to someone. It is important for them and us to remember that email is very different than texting. 

Remember if you ever need any technology integration ideas or assistance in a certain program you can always email:

Lisa Gherman - Alkek Librarian lgherman@banderaisd2.net

Brittany Timmons - Instructional Coach btimmons@banderaisd2.net

Stephanie Jones - Advanced Academics sjones@banderaisd2.net