Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Vertical Alignment Documents, Backing Up Your Computer, Seesaw PD, Individualized Instruction

Vertical Alignment Documents for the Revised English and Spanish Language Arts and Reading TEKS

Implementation of the new ELAR TEKS K-8 starts in August.
HERE's a link to the vertical alignment documents and side-by-side comparison documents to help you see where things are the same and where they are changing. High school teachers won't implement the new TEKS until 2020-21, but can access the same information on the same site.

Backing Up Your Computer

If you only use a Chromebook, skip this post, but if you have files on a PC or Mac, please read on. TCEA recently posted step-by-step instructions and a video tutorial for backing up your files. If you've ever been affected by a computer's sudden demise, you know personally the pain of lost files. Don't miss this post. The end-of-the-year is a great time to back up. 

More Seesaw PD

Check out See Saw's May PD Schedule here.

Digital Learning Spotlight: Individualizing Instruction

I love Flippity.net. It's free. It integrates with Google, and it has a ton of tools that can be used PK-12. Check out Richard Byrne's post on How to Create Individualized Online Spelling Games. While the post is definitely elementary oriented, the concept can be adapted to other subjects and grade levels.
