Keeping the Conversation Going
Over the last two weeks teachers across the district have been collaborating with each other and with administrators to brainstorm how to continue growing in our own understanding and competence in implementing blended learning and using technology to meet the individual needs of our students. The #banderaTCEAchers offered suggestions for providing staff with on-going support throughout the year and for staff development now, over the summer, and in August, as well as specific goals to meet the needs of teachers and students on their campuses. Curriculum leads on a couple of the campuses have issued digital challenges to their teachers so that we have the opportunity to learn in small doses things that can help us in our classrooms. The Digital Classroom teachers are intensively studying blended learning in their professional development through UTeach, and the Digital Learning PLC's this spring will offer more opportunity to explore what blended learning looks like in the classroom. There are some awesome things happening in classrooms across the district. If you get a chance on a random conference period, stop by a colleague's classroom and fill your own cup with some fresh ideas. Planning for next year has already started. If you have an idea on how we can support each other to improve our practice or to help our students be the best that they can be, speak up. Talk to your curriculum lead, team/department/grade lead, or administrator. #GoTeam
Considering Getting Google Educator Certified?
Google Educator certification exams focus on the integration of G-Suite tools into classroom learning. The exams give you ample opportunity to apply those tools to real classroom situations, and that can give you some new ideas for integration in your own classroom. BISD has had G-Suite tools available in our classrooms for many years. There are some serious Google Geeks out there among us! Want to get a feel for if you're ready to test? Download Kasey Bell's Toolkit for Level 1 and Level 2 Google Educator certifications. Still not sure? Talk to Lisa Gherman (AES), Cassie Simon (BMS) or me.