Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Book Creator, managing a digital classroom, making blended learning work in your classroom

Book Creator 

Dr. Monica Burns of Classtechtips.com promotes "'tasks before apps' to remind educators to focus on learning goals" before worrying about a particular tool. Book Creator fits perfectly into a variety of learning tasks because it allows students to use the Chrome app or IOS app to "combine text, images, audio and video to create Interactive stories, digital portfolios, research journals, poetry books, science reports, instruction manuals, ‘About me’ books, comic adventures," and more. Check out Dr. Burns' blog for ideas on integrating Book Creator in K-4 classrooms to engage learners in deepening their learning. While the blog focuses on elementary, the tool works well for secondary, too.

Managing a Digital Classroom

A resource from Raise Your Hand Texas calls the environment "the third teacher." Managing a technology-rich classroom can be a challenge, and arranging the physical environment can make a difference in how you teach and how your students learn. If you have or are getting Chromebooks in the coming weeks, Chesterfield County Public Schools offers a succinct guide to arranging and managing a digital classroom.


Spotlight on Blended Learning: Making It Work In Your Classroom

Oh, my goodness. I wanted to do cartwheels forty-seven seconds into this video. With all the focus on digital learning, teachers sometimes question what they're currently doing. The five-minute video below is not only inspiring by showing what's possible, but also affirming in reminding us that if we are "using something that works really well in a face-to-face situation, [we] should continue to do that because it works well." As my grandma used to say, "Don't throw out the baby with the bath water!" 

So when you get a chance this week, take five minutes to be inspired and to be affirmed. It's an exciting time to teach and learn in BISD.
