Help with Digital Classroom Challenge
Please contact me if you need help with the Digital Classroom Challenges. Drop by the BMS Library Tuesday or Thursday during your conference period, or catch me after school at AES on Tuesday, BMS on Wednesday, and HCE on Thursday.
Science Journal
If you teach science, check out Google's Science Journal. The app is available on Android and IOS. According to their website, "Science Journal transforms your device into a pocket-size science tool that encourages students to explore their world. As they conduct eye-opening experiments, they’ll record observations and make new, exciting discoveries." Even if you have only one device in your classroom, with over 70 built-in experiments, options to enhance current lesson plans, and the flexibility to use the device's built-in sensors or add attachments, the app looks like a game-changer to this ELA teacher-turned-librarian. (If you try the app and like it, please shoot me an email.)
Get the Most Out of Google Classroom Mobile Apps
If you are using Google Classroom on your mobile device, make sure you are getting the most out of the app. Did you know...
- the Android app for Google Classroom has a "student selector" feature that can replace those popsicle sticks with student names?
- you can draw on any attachment turned in to Google Classroom to provide feedback and commentary?
- that Google Classroom has offline data built in so that you can take care of business regardless of location?
Read more here.
Google EDU in 90
You know how you forget awesome tools you've used in the past because you're currently using something new? That's how I felt when I visited the EDU in 90 Youtube channel recently. I'd forgotten how truly helpful their short videos are! The video below highlights the latest for November 2018, but if you explore their playlist, you can find short videos on Google Science Fair, Google Arts & Culture, Chromebook shortcuts, Augmented Reality, and more.
Innovative PD Opportunity
Birdville ISD is offering 12 Days of Innovation, a free educational conference, starting December 3. The conference will be housed on Facebook, and include over 1000 educators representing all 50 states and 20 countries. Videos from these amazing presenters will be available until January 9, so if you don't have time in the chaos of the season to participate, sign up now and watch one or all of the videos at your leisure over the next month.