Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Poetry resources; Leaving BISD? G-Suite tips, #BISDAwesome Digital Learning Spotlight

April in National Poetry Month

Celebrate poetry this month!

  • Listen to Americans read their favorite poems at Favorite Poem.org
  • Select one of Terri Eicholz's poetry ideas at her Engage Their Minds blog. Terri is a teacher in SA and presents regularly at conferences and workshops. *This is my personal fav!
  • Explore poetry lessons for grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12 at ReadWriteThink. When you click on a lesson, you can click on State Standards to locate the related TEKS.
    • Check out the Poetry Quote-a-thon at Sylvia Vardell's Poetry for Children blog. There are some great examples of linking poetry and visual media. Canva (13 and older) or Adobe Spark (13 and older with own log in. K-12 with teacher login) are great tools to use for poetry visualization, as is Google Drawing.
  • Use Flipgrid with your students to post their favorite poems and/or their original poetry.
  • Ask your campus librarian for content-related poetry. Yes! There are math and science poetry books!

Leaving BISD? Here are some G-Suite Tips

1.  Migrate or download your data.
  • Sign into your @banderaisd2.net account and click on your personal icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  • Click on "My Account"
  • In the "Personal info and privacy" section, click on "Control Your Content"
  • Follow the instructions to download or migrate your data to a personal Google account
  • Good to know: don't delete things out of your  "Shared with Me" folder or your "Classroom" folder, as that may remove access for other users. 
2. Move files to Team Drive
  • If your team/department/grade level/organization has a Team Drive, move files that you own that you need to leave for your colleagues to the Team Drive. 
  • If you are creating a Team Drive, add the necessary members to the Team Drive. This will ensure that no one loses access to important information that you have housed in your Google Drive. 
  • Good to know: you can only move files that you own to Team Drive. Click HERE for more information on Team Drives.

BISD Digital Learning Spotlight

In our monthly tech integration discussions, we've been talking about transforming learning. And over the last couple of weeks, several elementary teachers and their classes have taken up that challenge. 

The first grade teachers at Hill Country Elementary have set up a common Google Classroom so their students can easily access research materials. The beauty is that the teachers can work together in a common classroom, and the computers can be logged into the generic student account. The teachers even built resource lists in their Epic book accounts and shared the lists in their Google Classroom. In the words of one of my administrators, "That's awesome!"

At Alkek Elementary, the first grade teachers are teaching their students to log in to their very own @banderaisd2.net accounts, join their teacher's Classroom, and access a variety of resources. While reading print books and writing with pencils and paper is still the important focus in these primary classrooms, the teachers are equipping their young learners with tools that will extend instruction and provide a foundation for good digital citizenship.That's awesome!

Last week the AES second graders logged into their Google accounts, joined their teacher's classroom, explored animal adaptations at BuildYourWildSelf, printed their creations to their Google Drive, and turned the file in to their Google Classroom--all in 50 minutes. Talk about awesome! This week, the students are logging back into Classroom to locate and explore two databases and a website in preparation for their animal research project. They are learning that curated resources like Britannica School and National Geographic Kids offer quality information in a safe environment. Great job, second grade teachers! That's awesome!

Ready to get started in Google Classroom or want an extra pair of hands getting your students logged in? Email sgroff.