Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Google Keep, Padlet changing pricing model, New Google Sites

More Ways to Use Google Keep

Over the last two weeks there's been a lot of conversation at the secondary level about different ways to use Google Keep. 

Google Keep is a digital sticky note tool integrated into your G-Suite apps. Find it by clicking on your nine boxes and scrolling down. On the teacher side, it's a great way to collect and share resources with co-teachers and to provide students feedback.Students can use Keep for notetaking and learning.

  • Students can use the color palette in Google Keep to organize bibliography and corresponding note cards. Bonus, the cards can't be lost!
  • Students can use a Keep note as an exit ticket by recording their learning, taking a screenshot, and turning the screenshot into Google Classroom.
  • Students can click on Tools in Google Docs or Slides to access their Keep notes from within the document they're using to access resources and  previously taken notes or to record new thoughts and questions. Since notes can be dragged/dropped directly into Slides or Docs, one of the middle school teachers had her students put their screenshots on a shared Google Slide to create her own Padlet-like board.
  • Teachers can use Keep to create a library of feedback for common errors or stickers for informal feedback.Kasey Bell of ShakeUpLearning has great ideas on her Google Keep Resources page.
  • Teachers can drag Keep notes into docs to create checklists for their students. Like the idea of a checklist for students but aren't ready to explore Google Keep? Check out Control Alt Achieve's post on creating interactive checklists in Google Docs. 

  • (My fav trick? Personalizing notes by inserting a picture on the top of the note.)

Padlet Is Changing Its Pricing Model

Last week Padlet announced that it will be making some changes to its pricing model. Users will still be able to access a free basic account but will be limited to 3 Padlets, 10 MB of file uploads, and will see banner ads. Padlet Pro is $8.25/mo. Read more here.

New Google Sites is Amazingly Easy to Use

Really! The new Google Sites, which has been around a couple of years, has a click and drag interface that makes website creation a breeze. So, if you're looking at that sweet spot of time between STAAR testing and the end of the year to get a jump on next school year, you may want to consider updating your website or creating one with the new Google Sites.