Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Hour of Code, Interactive Science Glossary, EdPuzzle, G-Suite Updates

Hour of Code is Coming! December 4-10, 2017

Looking for a great way to integrate coding into your curriculum? Consider offering your students the opportunity to create a Google Doodle with Google's Hour of Code activity. 
Code.org also has both computer and unplugged activities.

Interactive Science Glossary

According Texas Gateway, "The Interactive Science Glossary is a dynamic resource that offers an engaging new way for students to experience science vocabulary and activities. You can use this resource as a reference tool or as part of your instruction. The resource features written and recorded definitions and sentences in both Spanish and English, images, web links, and printable flashcards." Texas Gateway provides an informational page that shows how easy the glossary is to use. 


If you are using videos in your classroom, EdPuzzle  is for you! EdPuzzle offers free accounts to students and teachers. Teachers can crop videos, provide voice-overs, and embed quizzes/questions throughout the video. Videos can be uploaded from Khan Academy, TED Talk, YouTube, Google Drive, and more. 

Ed Puzzle's page in the Chrome Web Store lists the three easy steps to get started:

Step 1:
Crop the video, use only what you need for your lesson. 
Record your voice on top of it to explain it in your own personal way, add clarifications, a warm introduction, you name it.
Add quizzes along the video and check if your students truly understand the lesson.

Step 2:
Assign it to your class/classes and let your students watch the video and answer the quizzes.

Get meaningful data and insights about your students while they watch the video lesson or after they have completed it as homework. See at a glance how they are answering the quizzes and where in the video they are struggling to understand the concepts.

Here's a short video that shows you how EdPuzzle works with Google Classroom. 

G-Suite Updates

Google has released a pretty sweet update for the G-Suite products. 

Now it's easier to insert images into Docs, Slides, and Drawings. When you click Insert > Insert Image, you now have a choice to select an image from your Drive, photos, by URL, or upload from your computer.

The coolest part is that based on your selection,  a menu will open on the right side of the screen, allowing you to search without leaving the application.

Next Tuesday Tech Tip: December 5, 2017. 
Happy Thanksgiving!