Tuesday, March 21, 2017

AWARE, ChromeExtensions, Destiny Discover

AWARE How-To's

Skill level: beginner          Use: tracking assessment data
A great big Bulldog thank you to Jennifer Schmitt at BMS for sharing her Aware How-to's. In the document hyperlinked HERE, Mrs. Schmitt has shared instructions for common tasks in Aware like creating quick answer keys, creating assessments, sharing answer keys, printing and scanning scantrons, and more.  When you click the link, you will be prompted to make a copy of the document so that you can keep it in your Drive for future reference. Thanks, Mrs. Schmitt!

Add the Destiny Discover Chrome App to your Chrome Browser

Skill level: beginner          Use: resource discovery
When Mrs. Whitlock at BHS first showed me the Chrome browser on her library computer, my reaction was an overly-enthusiastic, "How'd you do that?!!!" She had conducted a Google search, and all the Bandera High School resources related to that search appeared in a ribbon at the top of the Google search results. Amazing!
Mrs. Whitlock had added the Destiny Discover app to her browser. Once installed, you will be prompted to go to gofollett.com to select your school. You will only need to select your school the first time you use the app. After that, your Google searches will show a ribbon with your local library's resources at the top of the search results screen. The ribbon can be hidden at any time using the arrow in the upper right corner of the ribbon.
Adding the Destiny Discover app to your Chrome browser is a great way to discover local resources to support and enrich your curriculum.

Chrome Extensions Can Save You Time

Skill Level: beginner    Use: customize browsing experience/save time
Chrome extensions are "small programs that add new features to your browser and personalize your browsing experience." Extensions reside in your bookmarks bar to the right of the URL address. (See screenshot above.)
New to using Chrome extensions? Here are three to try. To add the extension to your Chrome browser, visit the Chrome Web Store or click on the hyperlinks that follow. Find the extension. Click "add to Chrome." Accept the permissions, and you're ready to roll.
The Keep extension allows you to save links without leaving your browser. Simply click the Keep extension and a pop up window opens allowing you to title the note, annotate it, and assign it a label. Sweet! All your bookmarks in one place...and accessible from any device wherever you are!
The Save to Google Drive extension allows you to save web content and screenshots directly to your Google Drive. Again, simply click the Save to Google Drive extension and a dialog box will appear in the upper left corner giving you options to rename the file. The Save to Drive extension can be customized. Access Save to Drive options by clicking the Chrome menu (the three dots), selecting MORE TOOLS, and EXTENSIONS, and then scrolling to the Save to Drive extension and clicking OPTIONS.
To use the Share to Classroom extension, you must be signed in to Chrome using your G-Suite for Education account. When you find web content that you want to share with your students, click the Share to Classroom extension, and you will be prompted to select your class(es) and to push the content as an announcement or assignment. The Share to Classroom extension can be customized by clicking the Chrome menu (the three dots), selecting MORE TOOLS, and EXTENSIONS, and then scrolling to the Share to Classroom extension and clicking OPTIONS.
What's your favorite Chrome extension or app? Share HERE. Respondents will be entered into a drawing for a little surprise. The winner will be announced in next week's Tuesday Tech Tip.