Use Sphere to take your document camera to a whole new level
One of the cool features of our new document cameras is that they work with our Chromebooks to record videos.The videos can be uploaded to your Google Classroom for student access, which is really nice for students who are absent or students who need a quick review. The document cameras have other uses, too. Need a video camera to record a student presentation? Turn the lens and use your document camera. Need to record a lesson to show your proficiency for a graduate school course? No need to bother a colleague to video your teaching. Use your document camera!
To get started, download Sphere software on your Windows or Mac computer or install the Sphere Lite app on your Chromebook. Aver Classroom Technology has some great videos like this one to show you how to use the software. Your document camera does not have a microphone, so it will access the microphone on your computer. Your desktop may not have a built-in microphone, but your Chromebook does have a microphone.
Increase the visual appeal of your presentations by using the explore feature in Google Slides
If you are creating a new presentation in Slides, you have access to a new feature that offers a variety of templates to increase the visual appeal of your presentation. Richard Byrne posted a video recently that shows how easy it is to use the Explore feature in Google Slides.
Creating a Quiz in Google Forms
The G-Suite Learning Center has great step-by-step instructions for creating quizzes, changing an existing form into a quiz, giving feedback on quizzes, and reviewing quiz responses. Once you've got your quiz created, you can have Google grade it or apply the Flubaroo add-on to the accompanying Google Sheet. If you are trying to decide between using Google Forms or Flubaroo for grading, check out this side-by-side comparison of the two tools. Flubaroo's Help Center gives tips for getting started and using advanced features. Richard Byrne also has an extensive GoogleForms playlist on YouTube.
Google Drive & Texquest
A great big thank you to Stanette Brzezinski, HCE Librarian, for sharing this great slide presentation from Richelle O'Neill of Garland ISD showing how easy it is to use the Texquest databases with Google Drive. Whether you are a current Texquest user or you are thinking about starting to use these incredible resources in your classes, the presentation has something for you. Quality information, translation tools, citation tools, audio support, and Google Drive/Google Classroom integration, and ebooks make Texquest a perfect resource to support your curriculum.
Alkek's third grade created the awesome community research lesson using Google Forms/Google Sites/iPads. Way to go Jamie Trussell, Carol Niccum, Shae Hamilton, & Chantry Vander Zee.